Saturday, February 20, 2021


Aconite 30C (Start of illnesses-to nip colds in the bud
Ars alb 30C (Food poisoning/Allergies) 
Nux vomica 30C (Indigestion/dietary indiscretion/hangover)
Arnica 30C (Bumps/bruises/injuries) 
Gelsemium 30C (Fever with chills/Stress/Anticipatory anxiety) 
Apis 30C/Ledum pal 30C(Bug bites/mosquito bites/allergic reaction/burns/UTI) LEDUM FIRST for any break in skin.

Cantharis 30C/Causticum 30C( Burns/UTI)
Hepar sulph 30C (Loose throaty phlegmy cough) 
Spongia tosta 30C (Dry hacky cough) 
Pulsatilla 30C (Congestion- thick bland discharges) 
Antim tart 30C( Chesty rattle)  
Ipecac 30C( Wheezing/ persistent nausea)
Sambucus 30C(Dry sniffles/cough/congestion on lying down)
Phosphorus 30C (Nose bleeds/ Raw pain flu cough/Reflux) 
Ipecac 30C (Nausea/wheezing/hollow coughs) 
Bryonia 30C(Stiffness/pain/Dry painful cough)
Sulphur 30C(Itching) 
Rhus tox 30C(Poison ivy/eruptions/pain)
Helleboros 30( Head injury)
Ignatia 30C(Emotional upheaval/tears)
Kali phos 30C(Overwhelm)
Staphysagria 30C( preventative bug bites/anger indignation)

One can make a customized kit based on your needs and keep adding as you go.

Aconite 30C (Start of illnesses-to nip colds in the bud

Ars alb 30C (Food poisoning/Allergies) 

Nux vomica 30C (indigestion/dietary indiscretion/hangover)

Arnica 30C ( bumps/bruises/injuries) 
Gelsemium 30C (Stress/Anticipatory anxiety/Fever with chills

Apis 30C/Ledum pal 30C(Bug bites/mosquito bites/allergic reaction) LEDUM FIRST for any break in skin.


"Do as much good as you can, to as many as you can, in as many ways as you can. And as long as you can."

-Rev.Dada J.P.Vaswani

YASHASVI JHANGIANI DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL OR HEALTH CARE ADVICE: The contents of this blog are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a health care professional in diagnosing and treating patients. 

By communicating with Yashasvi Jhangiani you acknowledge that you know that she is not a medical practitioner but a classical Homeopath, nationally certified by the Council for Homeopathic certification, registered with North American Society of Homeopaths and the National center for HomeopathyYou must retain the services  of a primary care physician for appropriate evaluations, diagnostics,  check-ups  and referrals to specialists if needed. Her relationship with you is that of an educator not of prescriber. It is your choice to use or not use any information she gives you.
Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking such advice.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Always consult a qualified physician prior to taking any remedies, medications or supplements.

Privacy Statement: Families that communicate via e-mail consent to e-mail exchange, recognizing HIPAA privacy rights cannot be guaranteed. Email sent via internet may be intercepted by third parties. Privacy of healthcare data cannot be assured.   

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