Saturday, March 13, 2021

Support during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum

Notes and links from Saturday May 7th 2016 workshop on Homeopathic remedies for support during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum:

Gelsemium 30C, Arnica 200c, Aconite 30C, Caulophyllum 30C, Cimicifuga 30, China 30C, Belladonna 30C  Pulsatilla 30C 200C or 1M
Gelsemium is for the anticipatory anxiety. Weakness and exhaustion – difficult to support weight. Muscles tremble with the effort of movement. If contractions weaken and cease.
Aconite is for trauma, shock, bleeding and exhaustion during labor. Contractions feel violent and intense, producing a state of fear and anxiety. Restlessness. Agitation.
Arnica can ease the bruising and swelling experienced post delivery. Feel bruised, sore, as if beaten during labour. Relieves soft tissue damage (perineum or abdomen) following birth or caesarian section – reduces swelling, bruising, and risk of infection, and promotes healing. Useful for caput or cephalohematoma of newborn. 
Belladonna extreme nervousness and agitation, general flushing of the face with hot skin during labor. 
Caulophyllum eases uterine muscles helping induce labor when labor is progressing slowly, if the cervix is spasmodically rigid, undilated with feeble and irregular contractions. False labour where pains fly about the abdomen. Rigid cervix with pricking pains – cervix fails to dilate or if contractions become irregular and cease. 
Cimicifuga -late labor with intolerable cramps in the hips or pelvic pain from one side to the other. Cervix spasms and becomes rigid on examination. Uterus ascends high into the abdomen during contraction. Pains fly from side to side of the abdomen. Irregular but painful contractions. (Note: Caulophyllum and Cimicifuga can be alternated 15 minutes apart when contractions are irregular and it is hard to determine which remedy is needed. Cease upon contractions becoming established and regular). 
Cinchona officinalis 30C (China)- post partum hemorrhage.

Pulsatilla  has the reputation of speeding up the birth of an overdue baby, or turn the position of the baby from breech to cephalic.




Pulsatilla 30C -Emotional, weepy. Congestion- nasal/chesty. Yellow/white thick  nasal discharge.

Staphysagria 30C -Staphysagria is given post operative if an episiotomy or caesarean is performed. Useful following incision, penetration, or stretching of muscle fibres, as happens with a Caesarean sections or dilatation and curettage (D&C). It encourages the quick healing of incisional or lacerated wounds.

Relieves the feelings of anger, resentment, disappointment, and emotional upset that may follow a Caesarean birth. 

Phosphorus 30C- Nausea/ exhaustion. Bright red bleeding. After-effects of anesthesia.

Bellis Per 30C- for healing of torn perineum during delivery. For bruised, sore pelvic or abdominal tissues following birth or Caesarean section. 

Bellis  follows well after Arnica, or is indicated when Arnica fails to relieve the discomfort or pain.

Hypericum 30C-  Can help with headaches, back and neck pains following an epidural.Shooting nerve pains following perineal damage or caesarian section. 

Carbo veg 30- For bloating from gas and also from water retention. Can be alternated with the China 30C. It's also THE remedy for hypoxia.

Kali phos 30C- Physical exhaustion/overwhelm either during or after labour where few other symptoms may be present.

Phytolacca 30C- Pain in Breast while nursing/Infection, stony hard, fullness.

Chamomilla 30C- Unbearable pains, even early in the labour. Extremely irritable or angry. No matter what is offered or done, it is not right. Hands and feet cold. 

Nux vomica 30C- Indigestion, nausea, gases constipation/diarrhea.  Stuffy congested nose at night and dripping  when outdoors  and during the day.

Ledum pal 30C – Any opening in the skin. Puncture wounds. After any bug bites/cuts/scrapes.

Apis 30C- Hives, cystitis, labia swollen. Allergic reactions.

Ars alb 30C- Allergies. Food poisoning

Sepia 200C-Erratic emotional changes, irritability and indifference toward those whom they love most, nervous fatigue, insomnia, headaches, nausea, constipation, lower back pain, and sweating fever, keeping feelings to themselves.

Cantharis 30C- UTI/burning. Increased frequency of urine with burning pain.

Borax 30C- Thrush.

Cocculus ind 30C-   For the constant late nights/waking up to feed the baby. A dose or 2 to help u go back to sleep. 


 30C potency is generally considered to be a safe potency to use for  infants, children, adults, elderly as well as pregnant women. We can start by giving 1-3 doses in an acute situation 5-30 minutes apart on a  neutral clean mouth. Decrease the frequency & give every 1-3 hours as better, tapering to twice a day, once a day stopping as  symptoms improve.One tiny pill is one dose and the whole bottle if taken at a time is  one dose. It's the number of  times the remedy  is given not the number of pills that is important. 


During Labor: Homeopathy is a safe means and can be exceptionally helpful during labor and delivery. The Homeopathic medicines help in diminishing pain and discomfort of pregnancy greatly lessening the need for analgesics and anesthesia, it also helps prepare the cervix for the process of labor by facilitating, softening, thinning out, and dilating the cervix prior to onset of labor. A properly indicated Homeopathic medicine can also turn a breech baby and change a high risk pregnancy into a normal one. Even if you need a Caesarean section Homeopathy can be an important part of a speedy recovery after surgery.



Aconite is an excellent medicine for trauma, shock, bleeding and exhaustion during labor.

 Arnica can ease the bruising and swelling experienced post delivery. 

 Belladonna is indicated when the woman experiences extreme nervousness and agitation, general flushing of the face with hot skin during labor.

 Bellis Perenis is an excellent remedy for healing of torn perineum during delivery.

Caulophyllum eases uterine muscles helping induce labor when labor is progressing slowly, if the cervix is rigid, undilated with feeble and  irregular contractions.

Cimicifuga is indicated in late labor with intolerable cramps in the hips or pelvic pain from one side to the other making the woman hysterical.

Hypericum can help with headaches, back and neck pains following an epidural.

Pulsatilla can speed up the birth of an overdue baby, or turn the position of the baby.

 Staphysagria is given post operative if an episiotomy or caesarean is performed. Women who take Staphysagria will not request pain killers after labor.

 Cinchona(China) will help with post partum hemorrhage




Common First Aid Homeopathic Remedies - COMPLETE information about Common First Aid Homeopathic Remedies - Rochelle Marsden

YASHASVI JHANGIANI DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL OR HEALTH CARE ADVICE: The contents of this blog are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a health care professional in diagnosing and treating patients. 

By communicating with Yashasvi Jhangiani you acknowledge that you know that she is not a medical practitioner but a classical Homeopath, nationally certified by the Council for Homeopathic certification, registered with North American Society of Homeopaths and the National center for HomeopathyYou must retain the services  of a primary care physician for appropriate evaluations, diagnostics,  check-ups  and referrals to specialists if needed. Her relationship with you is that of an educator not of prescriber. It is your choice to use or not use any information she gives you.
Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking such advice.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Always consult a qualified physician prior to taking any remedies, medications or supplements.

Privacy Statement: Families that communicate via e-mail consent to e-mail exchange, recognizing HIPAA privacy rights cannot be guaranteed. Email sent via internet may be intercepted by third parties. Privacy of healthcare data cannot be assured.  

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