Friday, February 19, 2021

Cold Cough Fever Flu

Boenninghausen 's croup powders
Barky seal = Aconite napalleus
Dry Hacky = Spongia tosta
Loose throaty = Hepar sulph
Aconite 30C OR Belladonna 30C (NOT BOTH) are THE remedies to consider in the first 12-24 hours. 
Spongia for a dry hacky cough/hoarseness
Hepar sulph 30C for a loose wet throaty phlegmy cough
One can alternate Spongia/Hepar if dry hacking/phlegmy cough.
One can alternate Bell/Spongia if dry spasmodic/hacking cough.
Spongia 30C & Hepar sulph 30C are complimentary
Belladonna 30C and Hepar sulph 30C are complimentary
Spongia 30C and Belladonna 30C are complimentary
Spongia follows Bell & Aconite well. 
Belladonna 30C works well for teasing dry cough at night.

Homeopathic remedies can reduce the intensity and duration of an acute illness, but you are still sick and you will have to rest and nourish your body while it deals with the cold/flu pathogens. There are lots of homeopathic remedies that lessen the duration and intensity of colds, flus and viral illnesses.
UPDATED- September 15th 2020
Prevention: Give yourself an increased chance of staying healthy during flu season by eating all the right things, getting enough exercise, rest, and sleep. Washing your hands with soap and water when around those who are sick will help to reduce your chances of contracting the disease.
Kari J. Kindem of Homeopathy for women has a very simple protocol, Ars alb 30C once a week throughout the flu season September through April, or Ars alb 200C once a month.
She recommends using the Oscillococcinum 200C if there has been exposure.
AYUSH –CCRH(Central council of Homeopathy) recommends the Arsenicum album 30C as a preventative.
British Homeopathic association recommends taking Oscillococcinum 200 (also known as Anas barb) at the start of an attack of ’flu, take a dose as soon as possible and repeat two or three times at six hourly intervals
National center of Homeopathy recommends taking the Oscillococcinum 200C at the very beginning of feeling ill even before any symptoms have developed or if there has been exposure.
Dr. Robin Murphy also recommends Oscillococcinum 200C as a preventative.
Joette Calabrese’s prophylactic protocol is to use Influenzinum 30C one day a week for the first 4 weeks of the Fall/Flu season tentatively September, then once a month over the course of the influenza months, October through April, with additional doses if in contact with someone who has the flu.
Kerri flood recommends taking a monthly dose of the Influenzinum 30C for the duration of flu season - October through April
Tamara Der-Ohanian recommends taking the Influenzinum 200C (or 30C) – once a month during the flu season.

If you usually take the Influenzinum 9C/30C/200C or the Trifle flu defense or the Mucco-coccinum, September through April, you can absolutely continue to take any of those too.

Take anyone one, whichever you have access to, 3 doses, 12 hours apart on a neutral clean mouth with no taste of food or drink. An extra dose as needed if and when in a crowded place or exposed to a sick person. Stay hydrated, use common sense measures and lots of hand washing with good old soap and water (at least 20 seconds).
We usually wash hands and face whenever we come back from being outside, be it the grocery store, the gym or any place where there were people.
Salt water/warm gargles are old school but effective.


Table I - Dry Coughs
Homeopathic Remedy
Nature of Cough
Other Facts
Constant Short, dry cough.  Hoarse, loud cough.  Dryness of chest.  Feels like suffocating with each inspiration
Anxiety, restless, worse at night.  After exposure to cold wind.
Cough with dryness of larynx.  Red throat with scraping in larynx.  Tickling and burning spasmodic, barking, short cough.  Great whooping cough remedy with spasms in larynx causing whoop and difficult breathing.
Red Face, dilated pupils.  Child cries before cough comes on.  Cough ends with sneezing
Hard, dry, spasmodic cough.  Pain in chest, must press hand to sternum.  Cough shakes whole body, must spring up in bed.  Hurts to breath deeply.
Irritable, worse with movement, worse after food or drink.  Thirsty.
Dry, tickling, tight cough that is exhausting.   Violent, shaking cough.  Must hold chest and abdomen while coughing.  Trembles with cough.  Cough worse laughing, talking or eating.
Chilly with thirst for ice cold drinks.  Anxious, nervous.  Worse in open air or going from cold to warm room.
Dry, raw, hoarse cough.  Aphonia.  Chest seems full of mucus and "if I cough a little deeper I could get the mucus out".
Better with ice-cold water.  Inability to expectorate.  Escape of urine with cough.
Hoarseness.  Dry, barking, croupy cough.  Worse during inspiration and before midnight.  Irrepressible cough from spot deep in chest.  Feels like plug in throat.
Better after eating or drinking warm drinks.  Worse lying with head low.
Table II - Productive Coughs
Homeopathic Remedy
Nature of Cough
Other Facts
Spasmodic Cough dep in the chest.  Violent tickling in the larynx brings on cough.  Cough impulses so violent cannot catch breath.  Cough as soon as head hits pillow.  Principal remedy for whooping cough.
Pain in the hypochondrium must hold while coughing.  Worse at night.  Cough can be dry and irritative.
Hepar Sulph
Croup.  Loose, rattling cough worse in the morning. Suffocating, choking cough.  Hoarseness with loss of voice.
Better breathing warm air.  Worse when any part of the body gets uncovered or cold.  Better sitting up and bending head backwards
Kali bi
Voice hoarse with hacking cough.  Profuse white or yellow expectoration, sticky and stringy.  Cough as a brassy sound.
Worse in the evening.  Pain in the sternum that extends to the shoulders.
Stannum met
During the day, loose cough with heavy, green mucus.  Dry cough at night.  Weakness of chest or chest feels empty.
Worse using voice, laughing or singing.  Worse with warm drinks.
Antim tart 
Great rattling of mucus, but very little is expectorated.  Burning sensation in chest.  Bronchial tubes are overloaded with mucus
Cough worse with eating palpitation and hot feeling in chest.  Better sitting up.

"Do as much good as you can, to as many as you can, in as many ways as you can. And as long as you can."

-Rev.Dada J.P.Vaswani

YASHASVI JHANGIANI DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL OR HEALTH CARE ADVICE: The contents of this blog are being provided for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a health care professional in diagnosing and treating patients. 

By communicating with Yashasvi Jhangiani you acknowledge that you know that she is not a medical practitioner but a classical Homeopath, nationally certified by the Council for Homeopathic certification, registered with North American Society of Homeopaths and the National center of HomeopathyYou must retain the services  of a primary care physician for appropriate evaluations, diagnostics,  check-ups  and referrals to specialists if needed. Her relationship with you is that of an educator not of prescriber. It is your choice to use or not use any information she gives you.
Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking such advice.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Always consult a qualified physician prior to taking any remedies, medications or supplements.

Privacy Statement: Families that communicate via e-mail consent to e-mail exchange, recognizing HIPAA privacy rights cannot be guaranteed. Email sent via internet may be intercepted by third parties. Privacy of healthcare data cannot be assured.    

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