Homeopathic Remedies For Travel-By Nicole Duelli, CCH, RSHom(NA)
Remedy seeker traveler-guide A homeopathic remedy finding service provided by Homeopathy World
Our #payitforward ThinkHomeopathyFirst families have traveled all over the world with Homeopathic travel kits.
Albania, Aruba, Brazil, Czech republic, Colombia, Croatia, Dubai, France, Greece, Honduras, India, Israel, Jordan, Kosova, Mexico, Pakistan, Poland, Turkey and Ukraine just to name a few.
We check the CDC website to see what illnesses are of concern at the travel destination and make an over and above the basic remedies kit.
Basic travel kit:
Aconite 30C (Start of illnesses-to nip them in the bud)
Arsenic alb 30C (Food poisoning/Allergies)
Nux vomica 30C (Indigestion/dietary indiscretion/hangover)
Arnica 30C (Bumps/bruises/injuries)
Gelsemium 30C(Fever with chills/Stress/Anticipatory anxiety)
Apis 30C/Ledum pal 30C(Bug bites/mosquito bites/allergic reaction/hives/burns/UTI)
LEDUM FIRST for any break in skin.
Cantharis 30C/Causticum 30C(Sun burn/UTI/burns/scalds)
Rhus tox 30C(Poison ivy/eruptions/pain)
Staphysagria 30C(Preventative for bug bites/anger indignation)
Hepar sulph 30C (Loose throaty phlegmy cough)
Spongia tosta 30C (Dry hacky cough)
Antim tart 30C(Loose chesty rattly cough)
Sambucus 30C(Dry sniffles/cough/congestion on lying down)
Phosphorus 30C (Nose bleeds/Raw pain flu cough/Reflux)
Pulsatilla 30C (Congestion chest/nasal- thick bland discharges)
Ipecac 30C (Wheezing/hollow coughs/persistent nausea- retching, gagging)
Drosera 30C(Minute gun cough-Just one dose)
Cocculus indicus 30(Motion sickness/jet lag/insomnia)
Tabacum 30C(Motion sickness)
Kali mur 30C(Ear pressure- flights)
Argentum nit 30C(Fear of flying/claustrophobia/fear of heights)
Nat mur 30C/Glonine 30C(Sun headache/heat exhaustion)
Coca 30C(High altitudes/mountain sickness)
Carbo veg 30C (Gas/bloating/burping)
China 30C (Bloating/weakness from loss of fluids/being sick/exhaustion)
Bryonia 30C(Abdominal pain/Nausea/Grumpiness/Dry coughs-Chest pain on coughing or any movement/ flu)
Phosphorus 30C (Nose bleeds/Raw painful cough)
Kali phos 30C (Nerves/overwhelm- helps unwind/stay grounded)
Ignatia 30C(Emotional upheaval/tears)
Sulphur 30C(Itching)
Ipecac 30C (Nausea/wheezing/hollow coughs)
Podophyllum 30C(Painless summer diarrhea)
Merc sol 30C(Diarrhea with mucus/Sore throat/ gland swelling)
Veratrum alb30C (Vomiting diarrhea which hasn't responded to indicated remedies, state of collapse cold skin cold sweat-diarrhea/vomiting- can’t keep anything in)
Give remedies based on symptom presentation while you wait for results from blood work.
Silicea 200C (Infections) Belladonna 200C/1M (High fevers)
Typhoid: Baptisia 30C (Dull drowsy, offensive discharges) Bryonia 30C
Hepatitis: Natrum sulph 1M Chelidonium 30C Phosphorus 30C Ipecac 30C
Malaria: Chininum sulph 30C (Fever with chills)
Cholera: Camphor 30C Veratrum alb 30C, Cuprum met 30C
Japanese enchepalitis- Belledonna 30C Helleboros 30C Phosphorus 30C Cup met 30C
"Ledum pal first"
Lyssinum 200C Hypericum 200C(Rabies)
Lachesis 30C (Snake/spider/animal bites)
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