Sunday, February 28, 2021

Remedies for travel

 Homeopathic Remedies For Travel-By Nicole Duelli, CCH, RSHom(NA)

Remedy seeker traveler-guide A homeopathic remedy finding service provided by Homeopathy World

 Pakistan, Poland, Turkey and Ukraine just to name a few.

We check the CDC website to see what illnesses are of concern at the travel destination and make an over and above the basic remedies kit.

Basic travel kit:
Aconite 30C (Start of illnesses-to nip them in the bud
Arsenic alb 30C (Food poisoning/Allergies) 
Nux vomica 30C (Indigestion/dietary indiscretion/hangover)
Arnica 30C (Bumps/bruises/injuries) 
Gelsemium 30C(Fever with chills/Stress/Anticipatory anxiety) 
Apis 30C/Ledum pal 30C(Bug bites/mosquito bites/allergic reaction/hives/burns/UTI) 
LEDUM FIRST for any break in skin.
Cantharis 30C/Causticum 30C(Sun burn/UTI/burns/scalds)
Rhus tox 30C(Poison ivy/eruptions/pain)
Staphysagria 30C(Preventative for bug bites/anger indignation)

Hepar sulph 30C (Loose throaty phlegmy cough) 
Spongia tosta 30C (Dry hacky cough) 
Antim tart 30C(Loose chesty rattly cough)  
Sambucus 30C(Dry sniffles/cough/congestion on lying down)
Phosphorus 30C (Nose bleeds/Raw pain flu cough/Reflux) 
Pulsatilla 30C (Congestion chest/nasal- thick bland discharges)
Ipecac 30C (Wheezing/hollow coughs/persistent nausea- retching, gagging) 
Drosera 30C(Minute gun cough-Just one dose)

Cocculus indicus 30(Motion sickness/jet lag/insomnia)
Tabacum 30C(Motion sickness)
Kali mur 30C(Ear pressure- flights)
Argentum nit 30C(Fear of flying/claustrophobia/fear of heights)
Nat mur 30C/Glonine 30C(Sun headache/heat exhaustion)
Coca 30C(High altitudes/mountain sickness)
Carbo veg 30C (Gas/bloating/burping)
China 30C (Bloating/weakness from loss of fluids/being sick/exhaustion)
Bryonia 30C(Abdominal pain/Nausea/Grumpiness/Dry coughs-Chest pain on coughing or any movement/ flu) 
Phosphorus 30C (Nose bleeds/Raw painful cough)
Kali phos 30C (Nerves/overwhelm- helps unwind/stay grounded) 
Ignatia 30C(Emotional upheaval/tears)
Sulphur 30C(Itching) 

Ipecac 30C (Nausea/wheezing/hollow coughs) 
Podophyllum 30C(Painless summer diarrhea) 
Merc sol 30C(Diarrhea with mucus/Sore throat/ gland swelling)
Veratrum alb30C (Vomiting diarrhea which hasn't responded to indicated remedies, state of collapse cold skin cold sweat-diarrhea/vomiting- can’t keep anything in)

Give remedies based on symptom presentation while you wait for results from blood work.
Silicea 200C (Infections) Belladonna 200C/1M (High fevers)  
Typhoid: Baptisia 30C (Dull drowsy, offensive discharges) Bryonia 30C
Hepatitis:  Natrum sulph 1M Chelidonium 30C Phosphorus 30C Ipecac 30C
Malaria:  Chininum sulph 30C (Fever with chills)
Cholera: Camphor 30C  Veratrum alb 30C, Cuprum met 30C
Japanese enchepalitis- Belledonna 30C Helleboros 30C Phosphorus 30C Cup met 30C

"Ledum pal first"
Lyssinum 200C Hypericum 200C(Rabies)
Lachesis 30C (Snake/spider/animal bites)

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