Saturday, February 20, 2021

Children's constitutional types

Constitutional care helps build immunity & reduces frequency and intensity of acute episodes over time.  

Millstherapeutics- Children's remedies

My first bible on understanding children's constitutional states "CHILDREN'S TYPES By Douglas M. Borland"
Common constitutional remedies typically used for treating children. Grouped into remedies that have some similar characteristics to each other. One or two pages on each remedy as they relate to symptoms typically found in children
COMMON constitutional type in children is CALCAREA, usually CALCAREA CARBONICA but sometimes CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA or CALCAREA SILICATA are more suitable to the individual case. This leads to a consideration of PHOSPHORUS and SILICEA; it is useful to know the outstanding characteristics of these remedies and those that follow on. In association with the SILICEA types consider also SANICULA and AETHUSA. A little away from the strict CALCAREA type is the possibility of LYCOPODIUM, and following from that a further possibility of CAUSTICUM.Quite apart from the above it is always wise to consider giving a dose of TUBERCULINUM when treating children of the first group.

In the second group BARYTA CARBONICA - the next drug to consider is BORAX - the same type of child with similar indications. This leads onto NATRUM MURIATICUM, which in turn raises the possibility of SEPIA.This leads on to drugs of "depression", and one of the gold salts must then be considered, either AURUM METALLICUM Or AURUM MURIATICUM. When dealing with a sluggish mentality or sluggish make-up there is always the possibility that CARBO VEGETABILIS may be called for. 

The third group - GRAPHITES - lead to the consideration of CAPSICUM, and if dealing with any skin condition thepossibility that PSORINUM may be called for must be considered. Also when dealing with children, where there aredefinite skin indications ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM should be thought of and, although it is not really like the GRAPHITES picture, PETROLEUM should always be remembered as a possibility.

In the fourth group - PULSATILLA - there are also a number of possible drugs. After PULSATILLA the first possibility is KALI SULPHURICUM, and as in every sulphur compound it is necessary to consider whether the case could be a SULPHUR type.When the mentality is very similar to that of PULSATILLA one has to consider THUJA, and as soon as the PULSATILLA THUJA group is considered it leads on to SILICEA. In turn SILICEA always suggests the possibility of FLUORICUM ACIDUM. If dealing with hot-blooded patients,think of BROMIUM and IODUM. From IODUM with its emaciation and hunger pass to consideration as to whether ABROTANUM may be called for.

In the fifth and last group - the "nervy" drugs - ARSENICUM ALBUM heads the list with all its terrors. Terrors also suggest STRAMONIUM. Then comes the hypersensitive nervous system type and CHAMOMILLA comes to mind, and then CINA, which is a little more violent.The strange digestive disturbances of CINA lead to consideration of MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Reverting to the strictly nervy type, one considers the possibility of IGNATIA, and with this nervous restless, fidgety type there is always the possibility that ZINCUM may be called for. The foregoing is a brief survey of the various groups and these are now considered in greater detail.

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