Saturday, February 20, 2021

Homeopathic Constitutions/Diathesis/Temperaments/Miasms

Constitutional care helps build immunity & reduces frequency and intensity of acute episodes over time.

Depending on each individual case, it can take from 6 months- years to successfully manage a chronic case. It takes patience, compliance & consistent followups.
Introducing the concept of our homeopathic constitutional types and the remedies suited to them:
In homeopathic constitutional prescribing we look not only at the physical symptoms, but also at the mental and emotional state of the person, what the circumstances are surrounding the ailment, as well as what appears to make it better or worse. When recurring attacks are experienced for which acute remedies are selected which bring only partial relief or when they need to be often repeated, then a constitutional remedy is also worth considering. A remedy becomes constitutional when its homeopathic (like cures like) fit approaches close similarity to the person needing it. This is not dissimilar to the approach in acute prescribing, however it is in greater depth and takes an over-arching view of the person, asking. “what makes them tick; what kind of a person are they?”


  • CHINESE Concept   –    YANG & YIN
  • HIPPOCRATIC Concept – SHORT and THICK & LONG and THIN. According to him first type is prone to apoplectic conditions and the second type is prone to tubercular affection.
  • BAZIN Concept –  classified constitution into 3 types – SCROFULOUS,  GOUTY &  SYPHILLITIC

We are now in a position to approach definitely Grauvogl's own arrangement f the morbid constitutions according to excess or deficiency of certain elements in the tissues and blood. For every organ and every tissue breathes, and if the lungs are the gate-way and the blood the carrier it is the tissues which are the ultimate recipients of the oxygen that is in breathed.

1. The Hydrogenoid Constitution is characterised by an excess of Hydrogen and consequently of water in the blood and tissues.The Hydrogenoid Constitution corresponds closely with Hahnemann's Sycosis but it covers a much wider area and, is not by any means confined to the acquired or inherited results of gonorrhœal infection. Intermittent-fevers and periodicity come within its sphere.
2. The Oxygenoid is characterised by an excess of oxygen, or, at least, by an exaggerated influence of oxygen on the organism. The Oxygenoid Constitution is Hahnemann's Syphilis but we have no examples of its treatment as we have of the other two.
3. The Carbo-nitrogenoid Constitution is characterised by an excess of Carbon and Nitrogen. The Carbo-nitrogenoid Constitution is Hahnemann's Psora.

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