Homeopathic remedies for Tranquility of mind and body
July 25th 2018
Even though these were discussed during the holiday workshop, December 12th 2017, they hold true for any time of the year.
Stress Less This Holiday Season with Homeopathy
Gelsemium Argentum nit Cocculus ind Coffea cruda Natrum mur Ignatia Staphysagria Kali phosphoricum Bryonia Nux vomica Arsenic alb Pulsatilla Carbo veg China(Cinchona off) "In 30C potency"
Stress Apprehension Anxiety Anger Resentment: Gelsemium Argen nit Cocculus ind Coffea cruda Nat mur Ignatia Staphysagria Kali phos Bryonia
Gelsemium-Apprehension about holiday party/travel, feeling unprepared/nervous. Headache. Tightness in neck/back muscles
Argentum nit- Agitation, nervousness, restlessness, craving for sweets.
Cocculus ind –For motion sickness, jet lag, or if you have stayed up late and are finding it difficult to go back to sleep from attending parties,shopping for gifts, or are sleep deprived because of visiting nephews and nieces that are up at night.

Coffea cruda -Sleeplessness from worries or anticipation, if you simply can’t fall asleep upon retiring.
Natrum mur- Sensitive. Brooding about unpleasant events. Stress from past conflicts.
I would start taking it 1-3 days before the get together
Ignatia- Hypersensitivity to things said that you perceive as hurtful. For the present situation.
A dose or 2 will help u move on & not sulk.
The Chatter in My Head https://joettecalabrese.com/blog/the-chatter-in-my-head/
If embroiled in a family conflict, sometimes it is hard to tune out the chatter....
Staphysagria- Resentment, anger. When you are angry but need to bite your tongue to keep the peace, add a couple of pellets to ur water bottle and keep sipping. For those heated political discussions.

Kali phosphoricum- Physical and mental fatigue/exhaustion due to overexertion, with sleeplessness. Overwhelmed.
Bryonia- grumpy bear, irritable, feel like snapping at everyone. A few doses will bring your pleasant self out of hiding.
Remedies for Overindulgence: Nux vomica Arsenic alb Pulsatilla Carbo veg China
Nux vomica- is your go to remedy for everything from heartburn and stomach pain after eating to hangovers and constipation. Over-indulgence.
You can take the Nux vomica a dose or 2 as a preventative night before or the morning of.
Arsenic alb- Cramps, diarrhea or vomiting, suspected food poisoning. A doses after each loose stool/vomiting
Pulsatilla-if you are suffering because of having had rich, creamy foods, baked deserts, cookies, pies and cakes.
Carbo veg- Flatulence, distension, eructation, and that feeling of fullness.
China(Cinchona off) - Dehydration, loss of appetite, exhaustion after the events.
"Do as much good as you can, to as many as you can, in as many ways as you can. And as long as you can."
-Rev.Dada J.P.Vaswani
YASHASVI JHANGIANI DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL OR HEALTH CARE ADVICE: The contents of this blog are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a health care professional in diagnosing and treating patients.
By communicating with Yashasvi Jhangiani you acknowledge that you know that she is not a medical practitioner but a classical Homeopath, nationally certified by the Council for Homeopathic certification, registered with North American Society of Homeopaths and the National center for Homeopathy. You must retain the services of a primary care physician for appropriate evaluations, diagnostics, check-ups and referrals to specialists if needed. Her relationship with you is that of an educator not of prescriber. It is your choice to use or not use any information she gives you.
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